
Important websites for ongoing school updates:  

Upcoming Dates:

Next PTA Meeting: 

7 pm Tuesday, December 3, 2024 

Other Events:

MHES Staff Appreciation Breakfast

8 am Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Palentine's Party & Books for All Collection

6-8 pm Friday, February 7, 2025

More than 30 years of research has proven that children do better when their families are involved both at home and in school. Grades are higher. Test scores rise. Self-esteem grows. Schools improve. Powerful outcomes come from your active involvement in your child's education.

The Meadow Hall PTA organizes fun events throughout the school year to engage and empower students, their families and our community. Our fundraising efforts help support community outreach events, provide financial support for teachers, reduce the cost of field trips, bring cultural arts assemblies to the school, purchase sports equipment, sponsor staff appreciation events and so much more.

We meet the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm. Please join us!

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