pta Executive Board
President - Nicole Hennessy
Vice President, Programs - Cristina Rechy
Vice President, Administration - Emily Quaglieri
Treasurer - Chelsea Lehman
Secretary - Courtney Esposito Bellizzi
MCCPTA Delegate - *Vacant*
Executive Committee Roles and Responsibilities
Attend all monthly PTA meetings
Preside over all meetings of local PTA, board of directors, and executive committee
Coordinate work of officers and committees
Be a member ex officio of all committees except the nominating committee
Review bank statements monthly and initial
Represent the PTA at all council meetings or send an alternate
Work with Meadow Hall administration to advocate for parents and teachers
Send out monthly PTA agendas
Work with treasurer to create and present the annual budget
Work with treasurer and VP programs to create and present the annual budget and schedule annual audit (accounts examined at the close of the fiscal year and upon change of treasurer by auditing committee of not less than (3) persons who shall sign a statement when satisfied that the treasurer’s annual report is correct)
Oversee and/or support the following committees/events: Night Out Fundraisers, Staff Appreciation, Membership, and ICB Reservations
Oversee PTA membership drives such as Back to School Night, Kindergarten Orientation, and the Ice Cream Social
VP Programs
Attend all monthly PTA meetings
Oversee all programs and fundraisers for the school
Recruit, train and oversee chairs for the different programs and fundraisers
Make sure to meet budget requirement for each event and fundraiser
Assist in recruiting volunteers
Oversee the annual book fair
Research and get approval for fundraisers each school year
Research and get approval for PTA sponsored events
Oversee and/or support the following committees/events: Book Fair (September), Afterschool Activities (Big Learning Programs), Pizza Bingo (October), Talent Show (March), and Fun Run (May)
VP Administration
Attend all monthly PTA meetings
Provide support to president
Perform duties of the president in the absence or inability of that officer to serve
Offer self-nomination as president for the following year if the current president cannot serve
Oversee charitable and outreach programs (examples: Paper Bridges, Spring Fling Dance with Twinbrook Rec Center, etc.)
Oversee and/or support the following committees/events: Cultural Arts, Spirit Wear, NAACP Parent Rep, Special Needs Liaison, Community Service Night (November), Winter Dance (February), and Spring Picnic (June)
Attend all monthly PTA meetings
Have custody of all funds of the PTA
Create and get approval for annual budget
Manage annual budget and report at every meeting
Write and distribute reimbursements
Work with administration to distribute class and teacher allocations on schedule
Work File annual taxes, maintain insurance policy, and keep in compliance with state and federal filings. Report all filings to MD PTA.
Pay membership dues to MD PTA and MCCPTA throughout the school year.
Keep board up to date on PTA treasury rules and regulations
Oversee and/or support the following committees/events: Loyalty Programs, Box Tops, Blue Envelope Fundraiser
Attend all monthly PTA meetings
Record minutes of all meetings including general membership, board of directors, and executive committee
Distribute (and post on website) monthly general membership meeting minutes for approval at general membership meetings and be prepared to read them from the previous meeting
Send reminders for all PTA meetings
Keep PTA records such as bylaws and minutes for past meetings
Create and maintain PTA calendar
Oversee and/or support the following committees/events: Directory, Website, Social Media, Bulletin Board, School Marquee, Email Listserv, and Spanish Translator
MCCPTA Delegate
Attend MCCPTA Delegate meetings
Report back to PTA at monthly meetings