
You can help out by signing up to coordinate or be on a committee. More information about the positions and time commitment can be found here. If you have any questions or you'd like to volunteer for any committee, contact or visit Volunteer Sign-Ups.

After School Program Liaison – Vacant

Blue Envelope Fundraiser (February) - Melissa Golladay

Book Fair (September) – Erin Greenlee

Box Tops for Education – Vacant

Community Service Night (November) -  Vacant

Cultural Arts Committee – Vacant

Directory –  Vacant

Facebook Page – Vacant

Fun Run (May) - Vacant

Ice Cream Social (September) – Vacant

Membership – Megan Coate

NAACP Parent Rep – Vacant

Night Out Fundraisers – Vacant

Outreach - Vacant

Pizza Bingo (October) – Vacant

School Marquee Vacant

Spanish Community Coordinator Vacant

Spanish Translator – Vacant

Special Needs Liaison – Vacant

Spirit Wear Nicole Hennessy

Spring Picnic (June) Vacant

Staff Appreciation - Vacant

Store Loyalty Programs – Vacant

Student Outreach Vacant

Talent Show (March) Vacant

Webmaster – Kevin Hartley

Winter Dance (February) – Vacant

N.B. Strikethrough text indicates committees that have been placed on hiatus during COVID-19.