about us
The Meadow Hall Elementary School PTA is a volunteer based organization that works directly with the school to support and benefit our students, staff, and community.
What does the MHES PTA do?
MHES PTA hosts family fun events throughout the school year to promote family and community involvement like the Ice Cream Social, Pizza Bingo, Talent Show, Spring Picnic, and more!
We have fundraisers throughout the year like the Fall Book Fair in September and the Fun Run in May to help raise money. The money raised supports the family events and more.
We sponsor all Cultural Arts assemblies for the students during the year to broaden young minds and expose kids to new subjects not covered extensively in school. Popular assemblies in previous years have been author visits, a traveling planetarium, musical/theatrical performances, and more.
We provide financial support to teachers and whole grade allocations to help with our children’s education. Some of this funding is used for classroom supplies or to supplement the cost of field trips.
We thank our hard-working staff with multiple appreciation events throughout the year including breakfasts, Staff Appreciation Week and an end of school luncheon in June.
Lastly, The PTA is a great resource to stay connected with the school and to develop a network of parent support. A school administrator and a staff representative are always present at our meetings to give updates and answer any questions. Our members are families who have children of all ages and in all different grades ranging from kindergartners and upper elementary grades to older siblings in middle and high school. Any questions you have, someone will be able to help support you.
Why join the PTA?
from www.PTA.orgThe PTA is a great way to benefit your child and the school.
Get Connected – there is no better way to know what is happening at the school.
Discover Great Resources – The PTA offers a variety of programs designed for parents as well as students.
Tap into a Network – PTA functions are opportunities to meet other parents and teachers, building rapport and discussing issues that are on your mind. You can share ideas, concerns, and experiences.
Watch Yourself Grow – By volunteering with your PTA, you put your skills and hobbies to use to benefit your child and all children in the community.
Speak Up – PTA can be a way for you to more effectively suggest change at your child’s school.
Witness Improvement – By getting involved at your child’s school you’ll be part of the solution, helping make positive changes. Local PTAs play an important role by supporting building improvements through advocacy, and play an important role in fundraising for curriculum-based programs and social events.
Be a Role Model – By becoming a PTA member, you’ll be demonstrating to your child the importance you place on education.
How and when can I volunteer?
Volunteering can be done where and whenever it works best for you and your family’s schedule!
Reach out to your child’s teacher for volunteer opportunities within the classroom or to do at-home projects
Volunteer to help out during library hours, in the lunchroom, or at recess
Help out with special PTA and school events
To learn more about opportunities: talk to your child’s teacher, email the PTA at president@mhespta.org, and join our PTA email listserv to hear about volunteer opportunities and to receive volunteer sign ups.
Volunteer Training Requirement: All volunteers who support schools and students and those who attend field trips must complete the Child Abuse and Neglect volunteer training at www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/childabuseandneglect/
When are the PTA meetings and what happens during them?
PTA meeting are the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm in the school Library/Media Center. The dates for this year are September 3rd, October 1st, November 5th, December 3rd, January 7th, February 4th, March 3rd, March 31st (April’s meeting a week early due to Spring Break), May 5th, and June 2nd.
Meetings have an agenda that will be communicated monthly on our listserv which includes a Principal/Assistant Principal Report, Teacher Report, Treasurer’s Report, and updates on the upcoming events or any news for the month presented by committee chairs. Majority of our meetings also have a guest speaker presentation such as City of Rockville Sports and Recreation, Twinbrook Library, and more.
How does the PTA communicate information?
School folders: Every student has a communication folder in their backpack where teachers send home school work and flyers. Anything in this folder that comes home on BLUE paper is from the PTA.
Email listerv: We send emails with event information, volunteer opportunities, and more through our email listserv. When you join the PTA, you can choose to join the PTA listserv. The three ways to join are…
On the blue membership forms check the box to be included on MHES PTA communications.
When joining online at https://www.mhespta.org/membership select the box to subscribe to announcements and updates.
Or at the bottom of our webpage at www.mhespta.org, click “Sign up for email updates.”
Facebook: Follow us for updates on Facebook at Meadow-Hall-Elementary-School-PTA
PTA website: Find upcoming dates, meeting minutes, position information and emails, and more at www.mhespta.org
Officer emails: Our board members’ PTA emails are listed at the end of this letter. Anything that you need help with, support, questions, or concerns please reach out.
How do I join the PTA?
Send in the blue Membership form included with this letter in your child’s backpack the first week of school.
Join online at www.mhespta.org/membership
Join us at our first PTA meeting of the year on September 3rd at 7pm, we will have membership forms available.
We are successful because of our members/volunteers who we appreciate very much! We hope you consider joining the PTA this year and we look forward to seeing you soon!